September 18, 2024

This article is for you if:

You’re aware of this device, yet its functions and operational methods have remained unclear to you.


You work in sales and must determine whether this tool can assist you in generating leads.

During my exploration of PhantomBuster, I will draw from my personal encounters as well as feedback from actual users to guide you through an assessment of this tool.

So, what’s in store for you in this  PhantomBuster review  ? Here’s what you can expect:

  • We’ll kick things off with an An outline of the benefits and features PhantomBuster offers.From the very beginning, you’ll receive an unambiguous understanding.
  • Next up, We’ll explore the standout qualities of PhantomBuster as well as identify aspects that could benefit from enhancement.It is essential to familiarize oneself with not only what this tool excels at but also the areas where it falls short.
  • Then we’ll tell you about The cost framework for PhantomBuster’s services .
  • Finally, we will evaluate PhantomBuster alongside a different option for individuals who are exploring alternatives to Phantombuster for acquiring LinkedIn leads, aimed at assisting you in making a well-informed choice.

Discover a cozy nook on the edge of your couch, seize a rejuvenating drink, and prepare yourself for what’s to come. PhantomBuster review. 

So, what Is PhantomBuster?

PhantomBuster is a comprehensive automation tool hosted in the cloud, designed to assist with a multitude of tasks.

Here’s what you can use it for:

  • It’s applicable for extracting data from websites, analyzing data, managing social media platforms, among other uses.
  • PhantomBuster enables you to harvest information from websites, keep tabs on pricing, oversee your social media profiles, among other tasks.

It isn’t necessary to have advanced technical skills to operate this. However, you should be prepared for a steep learning curve with the user interface and have a good understanding of both cookies and proxies.

  • PhantomBuster offers a suite of more than 100 ready-to-use automation solutions designed to assist in acquiring leads from a variety of prominent websites and platforms.
phantombuster features
Source: PhantomBuster

Let’s explore the reasons for using Phantom Buster in this review, now that we’ve established an understanding of what it is.

Review of PhantomBuster: Reasons to Consider Utilizing It

  • You can streamline entire promotional efforts across various online platforms, such as Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, and others, by linking various Phantoms together to create a sequence or process.
  • PhantomBuster enables the collection of data from various websites, permitting the retrieval of accessible online information for future reference and storage.
  • It possesses a LinkedIn profile harvesting tool, turning it into a true force to be reckoned with.

In summary, PhantomBuster could be the ideal solution if you need a tool that streamlines your marketing efforts through automation and enables you to retrieve data from the internet.

why phantombuster?
Source: Phantombuster

Having understood what PhantomBuster is and its potential benefits for your business, let’s examine the functionality it offers.

Who Is PhantomBuster For?

PhantomBuster is a program tailored for small to mid-sized enterprises in search of an effective automation solution to facilitate their growth hacking efforts.

It enables users to streamline their processes and increase lead generation automatically, removing the need for manual task oversight. This makes it an ideal solution for people with limited time who are looking to enhance their efficiency.

The software excels at enhancing data and conducting outreach on LinkedIn and pairs seamlessly with your preferred LinkedIn automation tool.


How Does PhantomBuster Work?

PhantomBuster is an automation tool providing a wide selection of more than 100 automated workflows and bots designed to help expedite your business expansion.

There are two automation options available for you to accomplish your objectives: you can either use Phantoms or Flows.

Through the use of “Phantoms” (individual automated processes), and

Streams of interconnected actions functioning in unison,

phantombuster flows
Source: PhantomBuster

The platform allows you to quickly set up a sequence for generating leads.

Therefore, it can serve multiple functions, and to illustrate, here are some instances:

 1. Extract lists of leads 📝 

The process of collecting data, which typically requires several days, can now be completed in mere minutes! Gather specific profile information from any significant online platform or website and transfer it into a .CSV file, a document on Google Sheets, or any type of spreadsheet.

extract lists of leads phantombuster 1
Source: PhantomBuster

 2. Enrich data and emails 📧 

You’ve identified the appropriate individuals. So, what’s the next step to become acquainted with them and securely obtain their contact details? PhantomBuster is your solution for obtaining validated emails, business information, telephone numbers, and additional information to complete the missing pieces.

enrich data and emails

 3. Send outreach campaigns 💬 

Now is the moment to expand your online network, while maintaining a genuine and personal touch. Craft customized communications to cultivate fresh contacts, and monitor your advancements for optimal outcomes.

Source: PhantomBuster


Is PhantomBuster Safe? How does it work?

All you need to do is –

  • Pick a Phantom or Flow from the store.
  • Incorporate a component, like a session cookie or API key, to grant permission.
how does phantombuster work?
Source: PhantomBuster
  • Explain the desired performance or outcomes you expect from the Phantom or Flow.
how can you operate phantombuster?
Source: PhantomBuster
  • Press the ‘launch’ button. You have the option to initiate the process manually, to initiate it multiple times, or to initiate it multiple times with advanced settings.

The automation tool will take care of the remaining tasks afterwards.

Once completed, it will generate a data output file containing all the necessary data, which you can then directly import into your customer relationship management system.


Exploring the Extensive Automation Features from LinkedIn to Instagram

As a business proprietor or marketer, we recognize your necessity to blend various systems and instruments in order to streamline the process of generating potential customer leads.

This is the reason we find PhantomBuster’s capability to connect with a wide range of platforms quite remarkable, rendering it a highly appealing choice for numerous users, including yourself.

PhantomBuster stands out from its rivals by providing a broad selection of automation platforms, enhancing your potential to generate a greater number of leads and boost your income.

Using this instrument, you have the capability to collect and enhance publicly available information from well-known social media accounts and platforms. Nonetheless, it is crucial to proceed with caution when configuring your automations to prevent complications with the social media services you are engaging with.


PhantomBuster seamlessly blends with a number of platforms, and LinkedIn is one where it particularly excels in integration.

Leverage well-known LinkedIn automation tools and processes to extract search outcomes, automate connection requests and monitor them, dispatch automated follow-up messages, and gather detailed company information to enhance your data and marketing strategies.

PhantomBuster enables you to seamlessly gather information on up to 2,500 LinkedIn group members by pulling data directly from Google or Microsoft Excel spreadsheets, thereby streamlining the process and conserving your energy and time.


Should you be interested in streamlining the lead generation workflow on Facebook, consider employing the Facebook Profile URL Finder tool. This automation utility is designed to locate profiles or pages by extracting their URLs from an extensive directory of business names.

This instrument aids in enhancing your address book by effectively scanning the internet and examining a multitude of Facebook profiles.

You can utilize the tool for exporting members from Facebook Groups to facilitate your campaign initiation and monitor your lead generation approach with the help of a CSV spreadsheet.


The Instagram automation offered by PhantomBuster deserves attention as well; it enables the extraction of follower lists, the downloading of user profile information, and the creation of automated processes.

Using automated tools to like, comment on, and follow other users on Instagram can help you swiftly generate extensive lists of potential leads for your marketing and sales efforts.

This allows you to obtain information and engage with the specific area of your interest.

In summary, PhantomBuster could be a valuable choice for you if you require a tool that has compatibility with various platforms and provides an extensive selection of automation features.

Review of Phantombuster: Advantages and Disadvantages of Utilizing the Tool for Lead Generation

Phantombuster is a widely-used platform for gathering and extracting data, providing a variety of functions and options to assist companies and people in collecting data from websites and various online platforms.

advantages of phantombuster

Advantages of incorporating PhantomBuster into your company operations:

  • You can set up automation for tasks that you have to do over and over, which allows you to concentrate on more important duties.
  • You can expand your business by offering significant knowledge derived from examining data.
  • It is compatible with various platforms, providing an extensive selection of automation possibilities.

PhantomBuster Shortcomings:

Disavantages of phantombuster
  • LinkedIn Limits

Regrettably, Phantom Buster is unable to circumvent the restrictions on the number of connections or invitation limits imposed by LinkedIn. As a result, you will need to adhere to the rules and policies set by LinkedIn.

  • Limited space is available for executing numerous activities at the same time.

There is a cap on how many Phantoms can operate concurrently. Hence, if you wish to execute several operations, it might be necessary to allow one to complete before initiating the next.

  • Restrictions on lead generation

Phantom Buster has specific limitations on its capabilities, and these constraints could affect the effectiveness of your attempts to generate leads.

  • Concerns regarding the security of accessing your cookies

Phantom Buster necessitates the installation of a browser add-on for Chrome and the utilization of your cookie data to log into LinkedIn, posing a risk of potentially having your account suspended.

Overall, PhantomBuster has the potential to simplify your workload and boost efficiency.

However, it’s important to remember to consider its restrictions and take appropriate steps to protect the security of your account.

phantombuster shortcomings
Source: PhantomBuster

 PhantomBuster  Review: How Much Does it Cost?

Phantombuster pricing
Source: PhantomBuster

Here is a summary of the costs associated with using Phantom Buster, including extra details:

  • Free Trial: Enjoy a 14-day complimentary trial that includes access to 5 openings and usage limited to 2 hours daily.
  • Basic Plan: For $69 each month, you receive access to 5 slots and a total usage time of 20 hours within that month.
  • Advantage: A monthly fee of $159 includes access to 15 usage slots and a total of 80 hours of monthly service.
  • Group Plan: Monthly fee of $439, including access for up to 50 members and a total of 300 hours of usage time.

Every strategy provides a variety of functions and abilities tailored to meet the diverse requirements of various businesses.

The Starter package serves as a suitable choice for both individuals and small enterprises interested in testing the services offered by Phantom Buster, providing 5 slots and a monthly allowance of 20 hours.

The Pro subscription provides an increased number of slots and additional hours, catering to individuals who need to automate a larger quantity of tasks or those who demand extended hours of operation.

The Team package is perfect for bigger groups or organizations that need an even greater level of automated features.

Subscribers can enjoy a 20% savings on their subscription by opting for the yearly payment plan.

You can try out the service for 14 days without any cost and without needing to provide credit card details. However, please note that usage is restricted in terms of available time slots and hours for the duration of the trial period.

phantombuster pricing
Source: PhantomBuster
phantombuster pricing
Source: PhantomBuster

Review of PhantomBuster on G2 and Capterra for the Year 2022:

Did you check out the feedback for Phantom Buster on the G2 platform?

With a rating of 4.2 out of 5 stars and 67% of 28 reviewers awarding it a full 5 stars, it is evident that it has been well-received by customers.

Many users have recognized Phantom Buster for its speed and efficiency, which surpasses that of other tools available on the market. Additionally, its ease of use, along with a wide range of valuable features and choices, has been well-received.

Additionally, it’s less expensive compared to other comparable items available for purchase.

Yet, a number of users have expressed their discontent regarding the restrictions associated with the no-cost trial period.

Numerous users have discovered that a two-hour period is insufficient to thoroughly investigate the capabilities of the tool and gain an adequate understanding of its functions.

PhantomBuster Review on Capterra:‍
Source: Capterra

PhantomBuster has received an impressive average rating of 4.6 stars.

Did you encounter any evaluations of PhantomBuster on Capterra? It appears that users hold varied opinions on it.

We appreciate the platform’s adaptability and the total command it allows over orchestrating automatic processes and timetables. Additionally, our instructional videos greatly simplify the process of learning how to use the platform for you.

On the contrary, certain individuals have conveyed that at times it can appear somewhat dubious.

They have noted that the process of integrating multiple phantoms can be rather complicated.

Summary of our PhantomBuster Review

We recognize that the ability to adapt and the potential for automated processes are significant aspects for your enterprise.

PhantomBuster has garnered favorable feedback from its users due to its versatility in handling a variety of lead generation activities across LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook, and other platforms, akin to a multi-purpose tool similar to a Swiss Army knife.
Similarly to the potential danger of cutting yourself with a Swiss Army knife if you lack expertise in handling it, you can encounter problems if you’re not knowledgeable about what you are attempting to do.

You will value the platform’s ability to manage automated workflows and set schedules, along with the instructional videos that simplify the learning process.

Nonetheless, various users have voiced issues regarding the intricate nature of merging phantoms and their annoyance due to the numerous glitches encountered.

It is essential to recognize its constraints, such as restrictions on LinkedIn, finite availability, limitations on generating leads, and concerns regarding safety.

Simultaneously, we acknowledge that searching for the ideal instrument can be a difficult task.

Hence, we’ve taken the initiative to conduct thorough research on your behalf and have carefully selected a number of top-notch substitutes for PhantomBuster.

Allow us to assist you in finding the ideal instrument for your company right now! 😃

Best Alternatives Of Phantom Buster:

  • Salesrobot
  • TexAu

Here’s a brief message to keep things clear: we aim to provide honest ratings and suggestions for Salesrobot, despite it being one of the tools we use for growth hacking.

We are committed to conducting impartial and equitable assessments, similar to how we approach all the other software we consider.

We aim to offer you the top choices suited to the requirements of your business.


Salesrobot is a groundbreaking tool that helps both sales groups and agencies focused on generating leads to streamline their sales processes on LinkedIn through automation.

The platform provides a way for users to engage with prospective contacts on LinkedIn by creating customized messages and requests to connect.

Its goal is to deliver messages that resemble human communication, creating the illusion that the user is interacting with a real person, not a computer.

This platform is designed to serve a wide audience comprising start-ups, sales units, hiring companies, agencies focused on generating leads, and proprietors of small enterprises.

Salesrobot offers these collectives the chance to simplify their sales processes and connect with a broader spectrum of prospective contacts, thus facilitating a smoother deal-closing experience.

How Can Salesrobot Help?

Seeking an easier way to manage your sales activities on LinkedIn and engage with a greater number of potential customers? Salesrobot is your go-to solution!

This platform has the capability to provide assistance in the following way:

  • Enhanced Dashboard: Salesrobot’s sophisticated interface delivers key insights that enable you to pinpoint your most engaged audiences and refine your approach to sales.
  • With Salesrobot, you can set up comprehensive campaigns spanning LinkedIn and email to connect with more potential clients, realizing an outstanding response rate of over 32%.
  • Custom Graphics and Animated GIFs: The service enables you to incorporate tailored images and animated GIFs into your messages, fostering authentic engagement and significantly boosting your appointment scheduling success on LinkedIn.

It provides you with an estimated likelihood of receiving responses.

  • Salesrobot utilizes artificial intelligence to generate synchronized invitations for connecting, offering you an advantage in the LinkedIn sales landscape over others pursuing similar goals.
Follow-up sequences - salesrobot
  • Safeguard Your LinkedIn Profile: It’s possible to securely distribute direct messages via email to over 200 individuals without jeopardizing the security of your LinkedIn account.
Safe Mode - Salesrobot

Hold on a moment! Allow me to present to you the latest addition to our offerings.

  • The Email enhancement feature. This tool allows you to automatically confirm the email addresses of potential clients, thus making your sales activities more productive and successful.

How Much Does Salesrobot Cost?

Let’s discuss the various pricing options that Salesrobot offers.

Salesrobot  Presents a pricing structure with three levels: $99, $397, and $497 monthly. However, choosing a yearly subscription grants an automatic half-price reduction.

Salesrobot pricing

Moreover, Salesrobot offers an alternative where you can opt for a Pay Per Lead payment model.

Regrettably, while they lack an option for complimentary service, they do provide a… 14-day free trial enabling you to explore every function they offer without the need to provide your credit card details.

Go ahead and use the trial period to determine if Salesrobot meets your needs!

Review of Salesrobot vs. PhantomBuster: Which Should You Choose?

If you’re searching for a tool designed to automate tasks on LinkedIn, Salesrobot is your best choice.

Distinct from Phantombuster, Salesrobot circumvents LinkedIn’s restrictions through three separate methods while also placing a high emphasis on ensuring your security during the process.

Salesrobot also includes capabilities such as scheduling activity delays, varying the timing of actions, avoiding activities on weekends and holidays, and setting in-app limits on usage. These functions help imitate typical human behavior and prevent triggering LinkedIn’s algorithmic warnings.

And the best part?

Salesrobot operates on the cloud and features a Safe mode as part of all its pricing tiers. This allows you to customize your messages to the greatest degree and enhance your LinkedIn outreach approach.

Believe me, tailoring your sales and marketing strategies to individual needs will result in a consistent flow of potential customers who are ready to buy and increased percentages of successful transactions.

If you’re looking for a way to automate your LinkedIn engagement in a customized manner without risking safety and circumventing LinkedIn’s restrictions, Salesrobot stands out as a superior choice to Phantombuster.


TexAu is a platform comparable to Phantombuster with regard to its functionality. It enables users to streamline various tasks across more than 10 widely-used online services, such as LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook, Quora, Slack, among others.

This implies that you have the ability to make your workflow more efficient and reduce the time spent on tasks that need to be done over and over.

TexAu also excels at pulling information from these channels and preserving it for future reference.

This renders TexAu an outstanding resource for collecting and scrutinizing information. It’s perfect for assembling a database of contact details, conducting market research, or obtaining data for various other objectives—TexAu has all the functionalities to facilitate these needs.

Therefore, should you be in search of an instrument that possesses the capability to streamline your processes and assist in the collection and preservation of important information, TexAu certainly merits your attention.

What does TexAu excel in?

TexAu is a versatile instrument equipped with numerous functionalities designed to streamline your tasks and boost productivity. Below are some areas where it particularly shines:

  • Automation allows you to streamline various tasks across more than ten online platforms through “Spices,” or integrate them into comprehensive workflows with “Recipes.” This results in significant time and energy savings.
  • TexAu offers an extensive selection of pre-designed templates, eliminating the need to begin your workflow creation process from the ground up. You can take advantage of these existing templates as a starting point.
  • Data Extraction: TexAu is proficient in harvesting information from numerous online sources, rendering it a superb instrument for gathering and examining data.
  • Cost-effective: In relation to Phantombuster, TexAu provides greater value for the same price, establishing it as a more economical choice.

Essentially, TexAu is a flexible utility that streamlines your tasks, offers a variety of templates for numerous processes, extracts information, and accomplishes this without breaking the bank.

Shortcomings of TexAu:

Certainly, TexAu offers an impressive array of features, but it’s important to note that it’s not without its drawbacks. There are several aspects to consider:

  • Challenging to master: Initially, TexAu may present some complexity in its understanding. It requires a significant investment of time delving into its guides and instructional materials, and even with that effort, it’s not certain that you’ll completely harness its capabilities.
  • Restricted LinkedIn capabilities: Regrettably, TexAu does not offer any safe methods for circumventing LinkedIn’s restrictions.
  • Restrictions and allowances for email search credits: To maintain the tool’s efficient operation, TexAu imposes limitations on the number of email search credits, the capacity for storing files, and the duration of daily usage.

Selecting the desktop variation of the program provides enhanced security since it eliminates the necessity for a browser add-on to replicate or mimic your cookies.

This minimizes the chances of discovery and subsequent blocking by LinkedIn’s detection systems. Nevertheless, this desktop application is designed to operate on just one device simultaneously.

In case you are part of a group or an organization, choosing the cloud-based variant could be more advantageous. Although it necessitates setting up an extension for Chrome, it provides the capability for several individuals to collaborate at the same time.

Bear in mind that there is a small chance of being detected when employing a browser extension.

Choosing the desktop version could be more secure since it eliminates the use of a proxy and the necessity of a browser plugin that might replicate and imitate your cookies, reducing the minor risk that LinkedIn’s detection systems might identify and block you.

Conversely, the application functions exclusively while your device is operational, and it is designed to accommodate a single user.

Should you be part of a group or an agency, you will need to choose the cloud-based variant which necessitates the addition of a Chrome plugin in order for all functionalities to operate correctly.

How Much Does TexAu Cost?

TexAu offers 3 pricing plans-

Cloud Starter – $29 per month

Cloud Growth – $79 per month

Cloud Agency – $199 per month.

By opting to pay for an entire year upfront, you’ll receive two months at no additional cost. Plus, there’s no need to fret; you have the opportunity to test it with a 14-day trial period without any charges.

Should you require additional credits for Data and Email Enrichment, you will incur additional charges. Data Enrichment costs $0.90 for each profile, while Email Enrichment is priced at $0.02 for every email.

Evaluation of TeXau versus PhantomBuster: A comparative analysis to determine the superior tool.

Essentially, both TexAu and Phantombuster serve as automation tools for tasks across multiple websites, LinkedIn included. TexAu offers certain benefits that give it an edge over Phantombuster, such as…

You have the ability to perform an increased number of tasks each day at the same cost or just a bit more.

You receive an increased allowance of data and credits for locating emails, along with an extended amount of operational hours each day.

Hence, should you be in search of a substitute for Phantombuster that offers comparable functionalities but at a more favorable cost-benefit balance, TexAu may be a more suitable choice for you.

PhantomBuster Review Conclusion:

In conclusion, PhantomBuster serves as a robust instrument that simplifies and optimizes your digital marketing activities. Its extensive variety of functionalities allows for the seamless automation and expansion of your marketing approaches.

Should you be in search of a more cost-effective solution, TexAu is certainly an option to consider. It presents a superb substitute, providing an extensive selection of tasks at a price that’s easier on the wallet.

However, if your sole objective is to generate leads on LinkedIn, Salesrobot The recommended approach is to opt for a cloud-based solution that prioritizes security measures to protect your accounts while offering tailor-made LinkedIn engagement services.

Keep in mind that the appropriate decision is based on what is most effective for the specific requirements and objectives of your business.

Therefore, carefully consider the advantages and disadvantages before coming to a conclusion.

We trust that this contrasting analysis has aided you in finding the appropriate option for your company’s needs.

Thank you for joining us on this journey, and cheers to your accomplishments in acquiring leads!

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